
  • Jason De Sena Trennert
  • Donald J. Rissmiller
  • Dan Clifton
  • Christopher Verrone, CMT
  • Tom Tzitzouris
  • Courtney Gelman
  • Jeannette Lowe
  • Ryan Grabinski
  • Todd Sohn, CMT
  • Jon Byrne
  • Christopher McGrath
  • Brandon Fontaine
  • Maria Cabella
  • Adair Rufty
  • Nicholas Bohnsack
  • Strategy
  • Economics
  • Fixed Income Strategy
  • Policy Research
  • Quantitative Research
  • Industry Surveys (SLIM)
  • Technical Research
  • Asset Allocation
  • Weekly Catechism
  • Daily Macro Brief
  • ETF Flow Monitor
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Strategas seeks to provide clear and concise research that allows its clients to reach actionable investment conclusions in a timely manner. In addition to the Research team's daily written content, clients are encouraged to utilize the Firm’s analysts for meetings, conference calls, or guest speaker presentations, as well as our Bespoke Research desk for special requests and customized projects.


There are three ways in which macro research can be useful:

  • By being accurate.
  • By identifying important themes.
  • By providing enough raw and provocative material to allow our clients to make up their own minds or to be used in their own marketing material.


Sadly, the first of these basic elements of utility – correctly divining the movements of the markets and the madness of crowds – is often the most elusive. The Firm recognizes that, despite its best efforts, it won’t always be correct. The Research team will always be aware of and respect other points of view and will remain intellectually flexible and humble enough to change its forecasts when the facts change.

03Simplicity & Clarity.

Our clients have too much to read. Strategas strives to provide clear and concise research that allows our clients to remain informed and to come to actionable investment conclusions.

04Quality & Thoroughness of Output.

The Firm recognizes that its credibility is on the line every time it publishes a report or an investment forecast. Strategas is committed to making sure that the inputs used to create its research products are comprehensive and accurate